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Dongguan Xianghong silica gel-to analyze the role of o-type sealing ring

O-rings are a common sealing element, usually made of elastic rubber or plastic material, with a circular cross section. It is used in many applications to provide static or dynamic seals, with the following functions:

Prevent leakage: The O-shaped sealing ring can fill the gap between two relatively moving parts to form a sealing interface to prevent the leakage of liquid or gas. It can effectively close the pipes, joints, valves and other connection points, ensuring the sealing of the system.

Prevent contamination: O-ring seals can prevent dust, dirt, particles, and other impurities from entering the sealing area, thus preventing damage or contamination to the equipment or system. It is used in many industrial and mechanical applications to protect the mechanical components from the intrusion of the external environment.

Relief of vibration and shock: the O-type sealing ring has a certain elasticity, which can absorb and relieve the stress and pressure caused by vibration and impact. It can reduce the friction and wear between the parts, and extend the service life of the equipment.

Pressure bearing: the O-shaped sealing ring can withstand a certain pressure to ensure the stability and reliability of the sealing interface. It is able to adapt to different working conditions and medium pressure, providing a reliable sealing effect.

Easy installation and replacement: due to the soft nature of the O-shaped seal ring, its installation and replacement is relatively simple. It can be installed by placing the sealing ring in the groove or channel of the part, and by applying the appropriate pressure or tension.

In short, O-rings play a key sealing role in a variety of mechanical, industrial and engineering fields, preventing leakage and pollution, reducing vibration and impact, and withstand pressure, while having the characteristics of convenient installation and replacement.

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